Food consumption directly effects blood sugar levels, particularly when we eat foods containing carbohydrates. The rise in blood sugars after eating is a normal process – our bodies are made to cope with this naturally and after a few hours our blood sugar levels return to a normal range.

There is a saying, however, that “the dose makes the poison”. Overeating large amounts of carbohydrate foods in one sitting can place a lot of stress on your body as it pulls out all the stops to return your skyrocketing blood sugar levels back to the normal range. Whilst it won’t actually kill you, it can cause or worsen insulin resistance and insufficient insulin production. Over time you’ll find it harder and harder to keep your blood sugars in the normal range.

Eating smaller carbohydrate portions at a meal can be difficult, especially if you’re used to having carbohydrate foods as the main component of the meal. I can totally understand the struggle when limiting portions of a beloved carbohydrate staple, having spent an entire childhood and adolescence eating rice in a way that does not do any favours for my body’s ability to deal with blood sugar levels in the future. However, I can assure you it’s never too late to try, and it is certainly do-able.